








On July 31, Dean Liu Tianyi of the South China Intelligent Design Institute of Guangdong Province and other talents of the institute led the team to the “Innovation Center” to come to our coffee integration research. Dean Liu Tianqi, Dr. Qin Wei and experts have exchanged views with members of the coffee integration company.

On behalf of the company, Mr. Ye expressed his warm welcome to the delegation of Mr. Liu Tianyi, Director of the South China Intelligent Design Institute of Guangdong Province, and introduced the company's practice and achievements in discipline construction, intelligent manufacturing, service strategy needs and social and economic development. In this aspect of intelligent manufacturing technology research, we will carry out "intelligent manufacturing" development and other aspects, and hope that the intelligent manufacturing institute will continue to care for, support and help the company's development.

Dean Liu Tianyi of the South China Intelligent Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province thanked your company for supporting this research work and fully affirmed the achievements of our company's development and construction. He said that your company has actively exerted its disciplinary advantages, and has achieved remarkable results in deepening the cooperation between government, industry, academia, research and development, and promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. It has gradually formed the characteristics of an intelligent manufacturing company with "intensive engineering foundation, strong work style and strong entrepreneurial ability". I hope that your company will use the Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Research Institute collaborative innovation platform to better play its leading role in the intelligent manufacturing industry in Xinxing County.

Subsequently, the dean of Liu Tianyi, the South China Intelligent Design Institute of Guangdong Province, accompanied by the coffee integration members, visited the construction and development achievements exhibition of the Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Research Institute of our company.