我们是一家专注于软件开发、硬件单片机开发和物联网系统开发的技术公司,提供高效、可靠的定制解决方案,满足企业数字化、智能化需求。我们提供全方位的软件开发服务,包括需求分析、系统设计、开发与运维。硬件单片机开发方面,我们为智能设备和工业控制提供设计和集成服务,并开源部分硬件设计。我们还提供物联网系统的免费设计方案,助力数字化转型。 We are a technology company specializing in software, microcontroller hardware, and IoT system development, offering efficient, reliable customized solutions.We provide end-to-end software services and microcontroller hardware design and integration for smart devices and industrial control, with open-source designs. We also offer free IoT system design solutions to accelerate digital transformation.
我司现在推行创业项目免费开发计划,如果您是创业者,我们可以免费定制开发您创业的项目。详情联系微信:13826867328 (项目成功,抽取10%分成) Our company now implements a free development plan for entrepreneurial projects, if you are an entrepreneur, we can customize and develop your entrepreneurial projects for free. For more information, please contact: Xan@caffz.com (If the project is successful, 10% will be divided)